Am a Ugandan who is a staunch supporter of the renewable energy campaign and I have been looking around in my country for the last two years since when I came back from the US and so far,I, have not yet come across any serious investor putting his money in establishing some mega solar energy plants in our country. Wherever some one talks of the renewable energy in Uganda, the idea goes in investing more in the hydro electric power and also putting up mega fossil fuel generators.
Well, I feel and believe that, we have launched a good campaign in Uganda so as to combat the excessive black out which is now popular at least in all areas of Uganda, but what about our policy makers and authorities in Uganda to note on the fact that, once we temper with our natural famous water falls like Kaluma, Kannungu, Bujagali, Ssezibwa, etc, we shall never at any given cost recover these natural beauties which have been attracting tourists from all corners of our planet. I think we have to think smart and think more critically on how to utilize the Sun. If countries like Germany, etc based in the northern hemisphere have utilized the sun resources at the highest degree then, what about Uganda which is located in the equatorial region? Because of the fact that we are based in the equatorial region, it means that we are very much blessed by the natural energy called the sun and it’s our responsibility to see to it that, we utilize this resource instead of only concentrating more to forms of energy which are denting our tourist sites and polluting our environment.
The demand for energy is rising every day in Uganda and so, we have to be more smart and logical, that is by not to, over utilize our natural water falls when making electrical dams instead, we should think of establishing the mega solar and wind energy plants, and in this process, we shall avoid the excessive damage of our natural water falls when constructing the hydro electricity power plants.
Am personally welcoming any investor willing to venture in this project to come to my country and we do something for the good of our community.
Her is an opinion writer,Author of kids books,an inventor,small scale farmer and an environmental activist.
Tel,0785755270 or 256751913049
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